Rabu, 18 Oktober 2023

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Do you still believe that all types of drinking water are the same? In fact, there are several types of water that can be consumed, such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) and mineral water. Although both can be consumed, these two types of water are different. So, what are the differences in the benefits of mineral water and RO water? Get to know the differences here.

What is the definition of mineral water and RO?
Not all drinking water can be referred to as mineral water. There are other types of drinking water that can also be consumed, such as RO water.

RO water is a type of drinking water processed using Reverse Osmosis machines, which is used to purify water to make it healthier and suitable for consumption.

The filtration process using Reverse Osmosis machines can remove impurities from RO water, making it safe for you to consume. This is different from mineral water.

You Need to Know
Mineral water is a type of drinking water that contains minerals in it. The filtration process for mineral water does not use Reverse Osmosis machines like RO water.

Because of this difference, mineral water and RO water are two different types of drinking water.

Differences between mineral water and RO water
In addition to understanding the difference between mineral water and RO in terms of their definitions, there are several other factors to consider when distinguishing between these two types of drinking water.

Differences between mineral water and RO water include their sources, contents, and processing methods, as discussed below.

a. Source
Mineral water is known as a type of drinking water taken from mountain spring sources, which makes it rich in minerals. However, not all mineral water is taken from natural spring sources.

In reality, mineral water can also be divided into two types based on its source of minerals, namely:
mineral water with pure mineral content from mountains
mineral water that is treated with additional mineral substances because it lacks sufficient minerals.

From these two sources, mineral water that is pure from the mountains is certainly better than water that receives additional mineral substances because it naturally contains a higher mineral content.

Quoting a journal from Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism, mineral water taken from natural sources is also beneficial for the body because its natural mineral content is useful for supporting health.

On the other hand, RO water also needs to be understood in terms of its source. RO water is solely focused on the filtration process using special machines, and its source can be more diverse.

RO water sources can be obtained from tap water, well water, rivers, lakes, or other natural water sources.

b. The Contents of Mineral Water and RO Water
Mineral water and RO water also differ in terms of their contents. As the name suggests, mineral water tends to have a higher mineral content compared to RO water.

The mineral content in mineral water is varied and includes magnesium, iron, sodium, and other minerals.

On the other hand, RO water contains more H2O or pure water. This is because the filtration process of RO water reduces the mineral content along with impurities.

Therefore, even though both can be consumed, RO water does not have the same mineral content as mineral water.

c. Processing Before Consumption
As previously mentioned in the explanations regarding the definitions of these two types of drinking water, mineral water and RO water differ in terms of their processing methods.

RO water undergoes a filtration process using Reverse Osmosis machines, making it more suitable for consumption.

Choose the Right Type of Drinking Water
Although they have significant differences, both mineral water and RO water are safe and suitable for consumption.

This is because both have undergone various filtration processes to ensure they are not harmful to the body.

However, if you want to get various benefits from drinking water to keep your body healthy, mineral water may be the right choice. Make sure to choose mineral water that is processed purely from natural mountain sources so that its mineral content can support your health.

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